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I don’t know about you, but the prices for everything have gone up greatly. I have started to look more at my backyard homestead to combat the cost of food. As you guys know I have been working on growing my own food, but lately, I have been considering some livestock, mostly Hens for eggs.

There are a few things to think about before getting into raising chickens.

Raising Chicken Pros and Cons

Backyard chickens have been all the craze for some years now. People who didn’t appear to have a homesteading gene in their bodies have hopped on the self-sufficient, save-the-planet train, resulting in fancy coops popping up in even the loveliest of communities.

Have you ever considered keeping hens in your backyard?

Keeping hens is an excellent way to reconnect with nature’s food supply. Chickens, like any other animal, require dedication, and you should never take that commitment lightly.

Here are a few pros and cons you should consider:

Pros of raising chicken

1. Fresh Eggs

Fresh Eggs

Grade A, cage-free, all-natural, free-range, vegetarian-fed, humanely reared — are all designations found on egg cartons, but what do they all entail?

As it turns out, virtually, all grocery store eggs come from industrial farms where working conditions are at best, deplorable and at worst, revolting. Raising your own hens will provide your family with fresh eggs that are tastier and healthier since they contain less cholesterol and more vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids than store-bought eggs.

2. Pest-Free Property

Chickens are the way to go if you want a pest-free property. Chickens, believe it or not, are natural omnivores. Grasshoppers, beetles, spiders, flies, earwigs, worms, snails, slugs, weevils, centipedes, and a variety of other creepy crawlies are among their favorite foods.

They’ll at least contemplate eating anything if it moves, and they’ll chase mice around the yard if they like. If they can capture them, they’ll devour frogs and snakes, too.

3. Great Pets

The majority of farmers do not regard their hens as pets. However, if you have a few backyard chickens that you reared from chicks and have touched and chatted to, they will most likely feel like pets. The good news is that they make excellent companions. They all have distinct personalities, and it’s always fascinating to see how they interact with their surroundings.

They will grow quite docile, and some will bond with you if you hold them a lot, offer them food, and generally spend time with them. These hens are known as lap chickens because they practically hop onto your lap when you sit down. The more time you spend engaging with your hens, just like any other pet, the more friendly and entertaining they will become.

4. Natural fertilizer

Fertilizer is something you think about if you plant a vegetable garden. Clean fertilizer is difficult to come by, and it isn’t necessarily inexpensive. Because it is abundant in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, chicken feces is an excellent fertilizer. And, best of all, it will cost you nothing if you have your own backyard chickens.

Simply toss the chicken manure into your compost bin, and with proper composting techniques, you’ll have a tidy pile of black gold in a few months.

Cons of raising chicken

1. Space

To begin, make sure you have adequate area to rear your hens. While chickens aren’t very huge creatures, they are incredibly social, so you’ll need more than one to keep them satisfied.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind that many localities have bylaws dictating how big your coop should be and how much room your hens should have. Your hens may get anxious if they are crowded, which can lead to sickness.

2. Require high protection

Another disadvantage of raising backyard hens is their safety. Hens are defenseless against urban predators such as cats, dogs, raccoons, foxes, and even snakes and rodents, and are easy prey for them.

You’ll need to devote both time and money to protect your little flock. If your hens are allowed to roam freely, you’ll need a high, durable chicken wire fence that extends as least a foot into the ground to prevent predators. You’ll also need a lockable coop to provide a refuge for the hens at night so that they can have a good night’s sleep. If your hens aren’t allowed to roam freely, they’ll still need a completely fenced and covered run, as well as a huge coop to keep them safe.

3. Expensive

Housing, bedding, and feed are all inevitable upfront costs when keeping backyard hens. Investing in a good hen coop and a suitable run will, of course, enhance the health and wellbeing of your chickens.

Of course, the reward will be a dozen fresh eggs to reduce your food expenditure. You’ll also find yourself becoming a voracious collector of various gadgets and gifts to pamper your chickens.

You must determine whether the benefits of raising hens exceed the problems, and if you are not put off, you will probably provide excellent care for your chickens. Many of the disadvantages may be mitigated by investing in a high-quality hen coop that is easy to maintain and has a solid and safe run that fits your area.

I am still on the fence but will be making up my mind over the next few weeks that way I can get chicks and a coop. Stay tuned for that one.

About Author

Tamara Johnson

Discovery, learn and grow with me as my family and I make the transition from metro city living to rural small-town lifestyle. We will be sharing experiences, learning great tips for gardening, home decor, and making life simple, with a modern touch. Follow me as I discover our small town and all the gems we uncover.

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